Behind the Scenes Tidying

This afternoon I did some behind the scenes tidying around Screenshot-ville. I upgraded from Movable Type 3.2 to 3.3 – amazingly, while I backed things up, it went entirely smoothly and I don’t appear to have lost any functionality (let me know if it appears otherwise to you!!!).
I had been getting between 100 and 200 spam comments a day, and while they were mostly getting marked as junk, about 50-60 were coming through as either needing moderation or getting posted outright. I was going to try to install a Captcha plugin, but I noticed that all but a half-dozen of the spam were going to two specific old entries of mine. So, I turned off comments for those entries a couple of days ago and am pretty confident looking at the logs today that, for now at least, this has solved the problem. I’ll go the Captcha route if necessary, but I’d rather leave things as open as possible for as long as possible.
I also finally set up an RSS feed reader for myself; I went with the Sage extension for Firefox. I just went through all of my bookmarks that I usually open up in separate tabs at the start of each day and browse through one by one. Now, the ones with feeds are filtered off to a subdirectory and I’m going to try reading them just through the feeds. It’s another experiment in more efficient browsing that I’ll give a week and then let you know what I think.
The next thing I want to tackle around here is continuing to go back and pull my old archives into the new database….

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