Ryan and Jacob are Fakes!

Ryan and Jacob are fakes! I hadn’t noticed talk of the latest e-mail spam until a copy showed up in my box this morning, and I’ll admit that it was compelling enough I read it. If you haven’t received a copy, it starts:

There is something extremely wrong with every single person in this world. They seem to be part of a pointless simulation.
“The Matrix” has portrayed this idea somewhat, yet we watch it and go back to our daily lives. Yet in this very life, underneath the seeming diversity in people’s opinions, values, talents, and interests, there is something that makes everyone the same. It is as though this planet is populated only by mindless fakes, objects that provide the appearance of intellect on the surface but are based on only mechanical reflexes and primitive thought patterns.

It goes on to state that the sender, of course, is not a fake, and he has found a single other non-fake (through the internet) and is looking for others to join up with them and start a underground community to eventually break the fakes’ control of the world. They have a webpage with more information, but because undoubtedly most of us are detested fakes, it’s hidden and their suggested method for finding it is to use a “major search engine” (their given list for which it works does not include Google…it seems their page hasn’t been crawled yet) and search on pairs of words from a list they give. At that point you can read more and find a questionaire to fill out on which they will judge whether you are a fake or can join them. The mail was signed “Ryan and Jacob”.
Having lost patience with trying their instructions to search for their word pairs in a non-Google browser after about two minutes, I found them in two clicks with the Google search “Ryan Jacob fakes”, which led me to the weblog leuschke.org, which kindly supplied a link to their actual site: Eternal Ambition. Or, as I’m hoping a Googlebomb might eventually dub them, Ryan and Jacob are fakes! It’s exactly as ridiculous as you would expect:

I exist as an impartial, and impartial only. I know of no bias or preference, I know of no wants or needs. I feel emotions like every human and yet I have no desire to change anything about them, and I don’t see the need to act because of them.
I am only able to think objectively. I exist as nothing more than an instance of reason and intellect. I make decisions based only on that, and act only on that.
I have no ties, allegiances, bonds, or attachments. There is no material possession, friend, or acquaintance that means anything to me. There is nothing and no one that can be taken away from me that would matter. There are no activities that I want to do or that I would not be able to stop doing.
I have no regrets of anything I have ever done or not done, and I know I will not regret any actions I may take now. I do not believe in any moral codes or standards (there is no “right” or “wrong”, just “logical” and “illogical”, I have no objections to killing, suicide, theft, or just about anything, as long as the reason is logical), my thinking is pure and unconstrained.

How nice to know that the future of humanity is a tired blend of Spock and Ayn Rand, with a modern veneer of The Matrix. I feel inspired.

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