More Flying Pirate Squirrels

After a several week downtime, the real-time furry flying combat and trading game Skyrates is back up. I posted about it when I first started playing over the summer, and I’ve been playing regularly ever since. This is a great time to try it out because in addition to making a bunch of improvements, they reset the game to put all of the players back at the same initial starting point as of noon yesterday. Just be warned that it’s in beta, so particularly in the first few days you might come across some bugs.

$1M still up for grabs

I am having the students in my introduction to programming class work with the Netflix recommendations data for their final project this term, so it was timely that the New York Times recently did an article reporting on the progress that has been made on the Netflix Prize over the past two years. Nobody has made the 10% jump yet, and while teams have managed over a 9% improvement the improvements are getting incrementally smaller. The fun part of the article, though, is the details about what it is making it hard to get that last 1%. One’s rating for … Continue reading $1M still up for grabs