No I don’t know how fast I was going….

There are a lot of “know your rights”/”how to deal with the police” videos floating around the internet, some of which are entertainingly cheesy with enactments of possible scenes. While a bit longer and less dramatic, Boing Boing recently linked to a nice team lecture by a law professor and a cop about why you should never talk to the police, even if you are innocent. The law lecture component has nice historical and legal context about the fifth amendment, but also a really nice explanation of why you should take advantage of your fifth amendment rights even if, or … Continue reading No I don’t know how fast I was going….


Everybody knows that Minesweeper is addictive, but I don’t know how it took so long for somebody to create multiplayer Minesweeper. It’s a standard online Flash game with rooms to play in a chat windows alongside your standard Minesweeper grid. It works exactly as you would think – you and a handful of other players work to clear the grid. The interface is pretty nice – you can see the shadow of other players’ pointers so you can avoid clearing the same cells. If you click a bomb, you are given a penalty – a timeout during which you cannot … Continue reading Boom!

Reentering the competitive knitting circuit

I did not do as well in Sock Wars as I would have liked, in large part due to its unfortunate timing in the midst of finals (what time I gained in knitting while proctoring I lost working against the deadline for final grades). So I was excited to see that there is also a Hat Attack competition, which conveniently starts September 16th, which tends to be as much of a slow spot in the academic semester as you are going to find. Plus, hats are way quicker to knit than socks.And in this competition last knitter standing wins $500 … Continue reading Reentering the competitive knitting circuit

Happy Blogiversary to Me!

Ten years ago today, back in 1998, I decided to legitimize my procrastinary websurfing with a “web journal” chronicling the interesting things that I came across online. At the time I’d never heard the term weblog and to the degree that I was aware of any community, it was the online journaling community. Since then, I’ve enjoyed getting to know and be part of an exploding weblogging (or, I guess I can finally, begrudgingly, give in and call it blogging) community. While sadly a combination of work and personal commitments have caused my posting to be sporadic, I’ve never seriously … Continue reading Happy Blogiversary to Me!

Too many projects

My goal for the summer is to end it with fewer projects, not more, but there are so many cute crafty projects out there that I keep running across. You can never have too many fun summer dresses, and I really like the shape on this jersey swing dress. The pattern is a bit vague though – I need to print it out and think about it before I try it. I like patterns that are more guidelines in theory, but there is something nice about the pin and cut on the lines types. If you aren’t the sewing type, … Continue reading Too many projects