Take it apart…

I’ve got a bunch of random integrated circuits left over from my intersession course so I think I’m going to try these tips on how to uncap/open various integrated circuits on a few of them [via Make: Blog]. The pictures in that guide aree really interesting just by themselves. Perhaps cooler is the weblog that the post is from μblog: engineering from the trenches, which is just filled up with cool geek content covering most of the spectrum of electrical engineering.

2 thoughts on “Take it apart…

  1. Thanks for the kind word. I am hoping to post a high resolution image of a die a week (on a Friday). If you have some chips that you want to see in that section that you would not mind losing to bad experiments, then send them to me. Feel free to email me for my office address.

  2. Cool! I’ll run this by my students next week and ask them if they have anything they’d particularly like to see taken apart.

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