Victim of Flash

Animator vs. Animation is a very good flash animation reminiscent of the Bugs Bunny vs. Animator cartoons, but in a digital world [via Clicked]. I’m most impressed by how much is going on in the video – I watched it a couple of times to try to get everything that is going on, and even then by the end it gets pretty chaotic.

Monkey Diet

In the latest installment of people doing crazy things for web traffic, we have The Monkey Chow Diaries in which a guy is in the process of trying to subsist on nothing but monkey chow, water, coffee and vodka for a week [via VidiotBox]. His videoclips sum up the story, but you should definitely check out his weblog as well, in which he answers more questions about his monkey chow experiment than in the videos. Obviously, there’s no way to tell if he’s actually doing this or not, but it’s pretty funny either way. Today is day 5, so get … Continue reading Monkey Diet

Plot Reversal

While I’ve never really been as big a fan of Something Awful as some of my friends, their recent forum thread on what if movies ran in reverse is very funny. Maybe my favorite, just for its consiceness and plausibility is for Peter Pan: “Disturbing portrayal of a paradise island’s descent into chaos as a crocodile regurgitates a pirate who then proceeds to wage increasingly ineffective war on a group of regressive children.”

Photo Retouching

There are a number of websites that do interesting “before and after” demonstrations of photo retouching, but this one from a professional photographer is particularly interesting because it doesn’t just cover fashion photos and comes from the perspective of somebody who actually does this for a living.