Less TI, More Math

Moebius Stripper, always able to supply a nice rant about how integrated calculators in math classes are producing students unprepared for college math, supplies a good set of links to articles about the connections between Texas Instruments and the math textbook industry. For some reason, these articles got me thinking about a related question – how much computer usage in school is a good thing, and how much distracts from real learning? That’s a huge can of worms, so how about just the question of the correct balance of computer usage in my department’s classes?

It’s all a conspiracy

Some MIT students performed experiments on the radio wave blocking abilities of aluminum foil hats to determine which design, if any, is most effective in blocking government mind-control rays. Most amusing – the hats seem to amplify mind-control rays. Conclusion? “It requires no stretch of the imagination to conclude that the current helmet craze is likely to have been propagated by the Government, possibly with the involvement of the FCC.”

Bringing Back Friday

The NY Times has an interesting article about the trend away from Friday courses on college campuses, and efforts to bring back the serious five-day week. As far as it goes it is interesting, but I think that it misses two points. One, there is a strong implication that it is primarily student pressure to avoid Friday classes – there is only one brief mention that faculty are expected to do much more than teach and having a work day with fewer teaching obligations helps keep on top of research and community obligations. Second, even with Friday classes being common, … Continue reading Bringing Back Friday

Hybrid Faces

I haven’t read up about how this works yet, but theMr. Angry and Dr. Smile optical illusion (scroll down) is really freaky. I ought to read the article – it might be interesting for one of my spring classes.

Such fuzzy intestines

In my opinion, the internet is all about patterns forknited digestive systems. Don’t miss the close up of the cute little green gall bladder.