Cool Posters

I’m not a big poster person, but over the past few days I’ve come across a couple of items I’m wishing I had for my walls. I’m tempted to find a poster printer for The Computer Tree family tree of computers of the 50’s and 60’s.[via Larkfarm] And I saw several One Page Book posters in a local bookstore and while I have no need for a poster of the entirety of Macbeth, I still think it’s really cool.

Starship Dimensions

Kick off your shoes and revel in the pure geeky goodness that is Starship Dimensions. Marvel at how much smaller Cloud City is than the Whale Probe. Find out which buildings are taller than the Mothership in “Close Encounters” and notice that the space shuttle is about the same size and shape as a Romulan science ship. You’re encouraged to view the page using IE so that you can enjoy dragging the ships around the page for comparison and cross-genre battle fantasies.[via Anita’s LOL]

Shock & Awe

The much-referenced 1996 book Shock & Awe: Achieving Rapid Dominance by Ullman and Wade out of the National Defense University is available on-line. I’ve only had a chance to skim it, but it seems worth a closer look. I find it particularly interesting (beyond the obvious reasons) because it’s written as a proposal which remains to be tested and lays out what evaluations remained to be done, and what fundamental changes in military organization and training they believed needed to be made for their strategy to be effective.