Lyrics by Theme

More than just a flat collection of song lyrics, Jonathan Harel’s Lyrics site lists 1673 only lyrics indexed by all of the usual metrics but you can also click on (most) words in a given song’s lyrics and get a listing of all other lines containing that word. Think of the theme-linked mix-making fun potential. And, hey, he’s got the lyrics for six different Debbie Gibson and Tiffany songs, so your guilty-pleasure stuck-in-head songs just might be in there!

Not Big Enough Funny

I also rewatched Big Trouble in Little China with some friends over the weekend, and it remains one of the funniest bad movies I’ve ever seen. It’s got some great dialogue, and beautifully cheesy effects. If you’re already a fan of this movie, check out the fan site The Wing Kong Exchange, particularly the huge sound files area. We also watched The Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, which is supposed to be funny in a similiarly bad way, and also has a strong cult following (see the Banzai Institute), but which I didn’t enjoy nearly as much. Sure, it’s … Continue reading Not Big Enough Funny

New Quilts

Last week became “vacation” week, starting off with work-related travel, and closing with the long weekend, during which I did some reading, and a lot of quilting, resulting in the items to the right, of which I am prodigiously proud (this is only my second quilting project). The one on the right directly followed a pattern, but the one on the left is my own adaption – I thought the coordinated pair would look more interesting than an identical set.


I link to, it should be Eric Harshbarger’s LEGO website – his projects are linked in his right-hand sidebar and they’re all to good to pick one to highlight here. He does both sculptures (including these immense Simpson’s figures) and mosaics (like this 6′ x 8′ Mona Lisa). He’s so good, he makes his living building these sculptures. If you’re willing to go to more than one LEGO site, though, check out Andrew Lipson’s Lego Page [via which I found Eric’s page, and which I found via #!/usr/bin/girl], particularly his section of beautiful mathematical sculptures. He’s also got some cool … Continue reading LEGO Art

You Sunk My Battleship!

I had an electronic talking Battleship game when I was a kid that I loved, so I’m just tickled by this Flash Battleship. [via The BradLands]

Time Travelers Wanted

In a similar vein to the “Ryan and Jacob are fakes” spam I mentioned last week, I got this fascinating message the other day: Subject: Time Travelers PLEASE HELP!!! Hello, If you are a time traveler or alien and or in possession of government or alien technology I need your help! My entire life and health has been messed with by evil beings! If you have access to the carbon copy replica model #50 3000 series, the dimensional warp, temporal reversion or something similar please reply! I simply need the safest method of transferring my consciousness or returning to my … Continue reading Time Travelers Wanted